The Inauguration of DB Tech Maligaon, ITC YEAR 4, Batch 1 was held on 3rd May 2016. The program was started at 10: 30am with the lighting of the lamp. Fr. Benny the Director of the institution introduced and welcome the chief guest Mr. Caspar Von Schoeler, Manager of Accenture, Germany by presenting the Assamese traditional Gamucha. We were also privileged to have Mr. Chandan Pachani, the State coordinator, Miss Luna Dhar, Cluster Coordinator and Mr. Swrang Brahma , MIS Officers of DB Tech in our midst.
Mr. Casper, the Guest of Honor gives an idea about the Skills which is required in today’s world for not only for management of Student but also for whoever is intending to enter into the challenging world. He enlightened the students about the various aspects like Knowledge, and Skills & Ability: Theoretical, Competencies, Knowledge and Experiences, Technical Concepts, Skills required for a good manager: Knowledge/Technical skills, Human skills, Conceptual (Innovative skills), etc.
The State Team of DB Tech too gave the students a few word of encouragement by saying that there is no gain without pain. We human are needed to struggle a lot to survive in this competitive world. Whoever has patience goes far ahead in life and who have an egoistic character remain in his old world without any changes or achievement in his or her life.
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