“Youth for Change”

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Around 200 youth of five city localities had gathered at Don Bosco Maligaon for a one day seminar on 1st March, 2015, with the theme “Youth for change”. The programme was organized for the youth of the different city localities, under the leadership of Fr. Uttam, the administrator of the DBM

We were blessed with a beautiful and pleasant day. The programme started with the arrival and registration of the youth participants from various localities at 9 am onwards. It kick-started the day into a fun team-division based on the animal name that everyone picked up from a box and thereafter making the sound of the animal and finding their own team members. Everyone was made to sit according to their team members to know of other participants. This was followed by the first session by Fr. Paul Rabha, the youth Animator of the province, gave a talk on the topic- “God and Youth: A primary factor for change”. He actively interacted with the participants and helped them deepen their own beliefs about God and His oneness and then drew our attention to the fact that social change is possible only by the grace of God and it should begin with us. The second session was conducted by Sr. Asosii Sania, who talked on ‘Youth for social transformation’. But before starting her talk, she taught all the participants a new song named “Change the world” . Succeeding the talk by Sr. Asosii Sania ,was a short talk by Miss. Jenifer Ekka, who talked about the role of youth for social harmony and quoted the Bible verse from 1 Timothy 4:12- “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe”.
Soon after the debate, Fr. V. M. Thomas, the Provincial, made a surprise visit and gave us an inspiring talk on how youth are like microphones for the injustices that others endure in silence. “We need to be the salt and light of this world, bringing transformation in ourselves and others”. He was accompanied by Fr. Benny who shared with the youth the future prospects and opportunities in Don Bosco Technical School, Maligaon.
“Because of the enormous encouragement and encouraging feedback’s that we received, we are eagerly looking forward to yet another youth meet in the near future” said Ms. Jyoti, a participant at the Seminar.

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